
what we offer

business games, masterclasses, executive workshops & keynotes

Every business wants to be better tomorrow than it is today.  Every individual wants to improve on past performance.  Although the future is unknown, you can still craft your preferred future.  You can plan for it and work towards it. You can achieve future-readiness, by practising Futures Thinking and embedding it in your organisation as a “way of being”. 

Futures minded leaders have higher-performing teams, are more optimistic, more productive and have greater life satisfaction (Betterup Research).



Future Now Game navigate near, mid and long-term futures based on various trends and discover more about your individual worldview and how you see the future of your organization and industry (3.5 hours, played in teams, in-person).

Futures Intelligence Masterclass – an online masterclass covering futures concepts, frameworks and tools.  Also available via Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), the University of Pretoria’s #1 globally ranked Business School (5 to 7 hours, self-study, online).

The Future-ready Executive – designed to help you understand alternative futures and the worldviews that underpin them, so your organisation has the capacity to conceptualise, anticipate, and prepare for the future now (2-days, in person).  Available as a Public Programme via Gordon Institute of Business Science (click to book) or tailored to suit your company-specific needs. Click for a short video clip.

Futures Smart Career Game – a game to help high school students think abundantly about their career choices and
prepare for their future world of work (train the teacher options also available for your school).

Leading with Compassion – designed to help leaders drive performance and lead with compassion (2.5 hour webinar).

corporate learning & cultural immersions at constitution hill

im·mer·sion – deep mental involvement in something:  “An immersion in the cultural heritage and democratic promise of South Africa’s Constitution”.

As an Official Provider of Cultural Immersions to Constitution Hill we have unique access to design bespoke experiences at this landmark precinct.

Click here for a menu of things we can offer.


The art of a great keynote is to ‘land’ one or two thought provoking concepts that stimulate your audience’s imaginations and ignite them with a newfound sense of agency.

We can customize keynotes to suit your needs – titles include:

Scarcity in a Transforming World:  We live in a world of scarcity (it’s the new abundance – whether its scarcity of time, skills, natural resources or even of attention-spans).  How can (and should) we respond as human capital professionals and as business leaders?

The poverty of wealth:  Shifting from business models that celebrate the individual customer to those that harness the power of the collective, using African-ways-of-knowing.

Think like a Futurist – Build Futures Intelligence:  We have no memory of the future, so how do we make sense of it?  How do we ensure our businesses (and lives) are better tomorrow than today?

tools & digital learning journeys

Try our complimentary tools with colleagues, peers, your team at work even your best friends and family. 

Leading with heart reconnect with the people and things in life that matter.

Work on your Future Now a collection of futures tools and activities.