If you had to give ‘Abundance’ a sound what would it be?
Our podcasts are regularly updated. You can also catch us live on Cape Talk’s late morning show with Clarence Ford every 2nd Monday of the month (567 AM).
Africa’s Fountain of Youth – a gold mine or a ticking time bomb?
By 2050 Africa will have the youngest population of the world. Couple this in South Africa with 46% unemployment and 81% of 10-year-olds, struggling to read for comprehension at school and we get a society where we are not only depriving our children and young people of their future, but we are also depriving them of their dignity.
05 September 2023
Psychological safety at work – the new organizational superpower
Psychological safety is a vital factor for everyone involved in an organization – from junior employees to senior executives, entrepreneurs, board members, investors, and even civil society. High-stake decisions are improved in psychologically safe spaces and psychologically safe teams are more willing to share openly and learn from each other and their mistakes.
22 August 2023
The Nature of Nurture: no-one can claim to be self made
Buying into a ‘self – made’ myth creates an impression that success and wealth are achieved purely by the sweat of YOUR brow, a solitary pursuit, that reinforces individualism and ignores the systemic barriers that exist in society particularly for marginalized people and poor communities.
17 April 2023
Do your actions inadvertently hinder your team’s performance? Are you an accidental diminisher?
It’s not how much you know that matters. What matters is how much access you have to what others know.’ That’s the difference between Multipliers (experts at harnessing shared knowledge) and Accidental Diminishers (well-intentioned leaders that unknowingly suppress the capabilities of their team). Find out how to ‘spot the signs’ of an accidental diminisher and become a multiplier who amplifies the collective genius within their organization. P.S., – outside of a work context, parents, spouses, and best friends might also find value in this discussion.
17 July 2023
You cannot believe everything you think
Usher in critical thinking by recognising and avoiding your thinking blind spots.
2 April 2023.
A conversation with human rights activist Albie Sachs
We have the country we want, now it is up to all of us to build the society we want.
20 March 2023
When empathy is not enough.
Overcoming the downsides of empathy.
6 March 2023
The Secret To A Longer, Happier And Healthier Life
Find out why embracing community plus the quality of our relationships with others helps us live longer, happier lives.
20 February 2023
ChatGPT did my homework.
The implications of AI Advanced Language Models for Education.
6 February 2023
The spy in your pocket – the rise of surveillance advertising.
Practical tips and things to be aware of.
23 January 2023
Living bigger – lifehacks for 2023
Tips for turning new year’s resolutions into ALL year’s resolutions that let you thrive in 2023.
9 January 2023
How to build an Abundance Mindset.
People who build an abundance mindset are happier, more creative and able to build more prosperous futures.
21 December 2023
The Great Resignation
Dr Roze Phillips (Founding Director of Abundance at Work) in conversation with Malusi Ndlovu.
Old Mutual Big Business Insights, Corporate Podcast Series, September, 2022.