About US

Abundance At Work (Pty) Ltd pioneers a new standard in human potential and performance – in work and in life.

ABUNDANCE AT WORK is an African futures-focused human capital consultancy that co-creates and implements people and performance transformations. We help bring your corporate strategy to life, transforming how the world lives, works, learns, and plays. Guided by the enduring philosophy of Ubuntu – ‘I am because we are’ – we help enterprises unlock individual and collective abundance through dignity, care, and inclusive leadership inside and outside their organisations.

At the intersection of human ingenuity, digital innovation, and learning, we conceptualize bold solutions that strengthen the win-win connection between corporates, their employees, academia and society. Focusing on the “Social” in ESG, we tap into the wisdom of collaboration to fuel shared growth without compromising excellence.

Unlock Abundance. Thrive with Us.


“We need new, different and more inclusive business narratives so that we can create a better world of work for all stakeholders, today and tomorrow.”


We direct our efforts towards helping businesses future-fit their world of work and unlock abundant work futures.

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

We are always open to opportunity, email us on info@abundanceatwork.co.za.

Dr Roze Phillips - CEO & Founder

Dr Roze Phillips - CEO & Founder

Find us at:

www.abundanceatwork.co.za or www.rozephillips.com




We support emerging African entrepreneurs through our Abundance community at rozephillips.com